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Fulgor Milano的家电产品并不是为了“追随”当前的时尚趋势,而是为了经久耐用,在技术、易用性、材料和优质饰面方面为最终用户提供真正的内容

白色玻璃陶瓷美学是FSH 905 ID TS WH滚刀的特点,也可以与工作表面齐平。它配备了锅识别传感器、可扩展的桥接区域、保暖功能、指示克服温度的传感器等。

作者:Elena Corti

一种具体的技术,但使用简单,使产品具有性能:这是Fulgor Milano家用电器的“心脏”,旨在经久耐用,面向那些热爱美食、高品质和意大利制造精致口味的人。该公司目前在22个国家销售其产品:尽管是一家中型企业,但它在技术领域雇用了相当一部分员工,专注于研究和开发。为了了解Fulgor Milano及其未来项目的最新提案,我们采访了品牌经理Paolo Mainardi。

Paulo Mainardi,Fulgor Milano品牌经理


2018年,我们有两个重要的活动,我们打算在其中介绍一些产品新闻:佛罗里达州奥兰多的KBIS展会和米兰的Eurocucina FTK展馆。针对北美市场,我们正在准备新的燃气灶,我们正在开发新型号的Sofia炊具,采用了不同寻常的措施:特别是一台机器,其宽度将超过120厘米,并将包含两个烤箱。美国市场的另一个消息是推出一系列冰箱,即使我们不是生产商,也会带来我们的品牌。通过这种方式,我们将完成目前在美国的报价,包括烹饪用具、抽油烟机和洗碗机。它们将是高和中高端产品,因为这是Fulgor Milano多年来在美国和加拿大市场所选择的位置。至于欧洲,我们正在努力更新我们的烤箱,这将通过CreActive的改进版本来丰富,CreActive是我们管理电器的电子系统。此外,对于旧大陆,我们正在开发一条非常特殊的产品线,其中包括多个系列的电器,尤其是烹饪用具。此外,针对欧洲市场,我们还将推出一系列新的冰箱,我们与制造商共同开发,以便能够尽可能定制。

在你的产品中,也有一些混血流浪汉:为什么选择? 我们意识到混合流浪汉一开始在意大利市场思考,然后我们开始出口他们。混合式滚刀为最终用户提供了一种试验感应的可能性,同时还提供了4 kW燃气燃烧器。这是我们采取的一系列措施中的最后一步,让人们更接近这种新型烹饪。例如,我们为客户提供了从一系列颜色中选择感应炉的机会,因为在市场上,这些产品都是黑色的。我们也有这种颜色的,但我们也提供白色或灰色饰面的变体。此外,我们了解到,在意大利,有两个主要障碍限制了感应的扩散,我们试图找到解决办法:第一个障碍与意大利家庭的可用电力有关,通常为3 kW。考虑到这一限制,我们创造了能够在这一阈值下运行的炉灶。另一个障碍是,使用感应设备可能意味着有义务更换所有平底锅,甚至改变烹饪习惯。在这方面,我们决定将滚刀与感应器盘结合起来,感应器盘位于产品表面,可以继续使用通常的厨房平底锅。最后,经过一系列的市场调查,我们了解到不同的人不会因为其控制而接近诱导。出于这个原因,我们认为很快(可能是在欧洲古西纳)会发布一则消息,这将使我们的竞争对手感到惊讶,因为这似乎与其他市场参与者的做法形成了对比。但我们希望与众不同,使我们的产品越来越易于使用。

吹风机和真空包装机最近被添加到您的产品系列中:家用厨房是否更接近于专业厨房? 今天,由于一些电视节目,厨师们已经名声大噪,这让人们能够接触到专业烹饪的世界,发现新的烹饪方法,从而获得优异的结果。我们的鼓风制冷机是一种多功能产品,这使我们能够提供一种具有不同功能的工具,能够完成以前在家无法完成的事情。我只举一个例子:如果我购买生鱼,我可以使用减排过程将其温度降至-30°C,然后将其放入冰箱。当我去再生它时,我会得到一个仍然非常新鲜的产品,这是简单冷冻无法实现的。此外,使用我们的鼓风制冷机,我可以快速冷却瓶子,并在最高达75°C的低温下烹饪(慢速烹饪),编程时间最长可达20小时,极大地保留了食物的味道和财产。相反,我们的真空包装机是一种能产生99.9%真空的设备,这意味着我可以在冰箱里保存一个烤熟的烤肉很长时间:当我吃它的时候,再生后,我会尝到一种美味的食物,就像我刚刚煮过一样。蔬菜也是如此,我可以将蒸汽直接放入真空袋中烹饪,并在最佳状态下品尝,因为这种处理方式可以保存营养。因此,有了这些新的工具,就有可能以与传统系统不同的方式烹饪,并有新的机会吃得更好。

Let’s talk about CreActive: what is it? We have chosen to equip our products with this operating system in which electronics is useful, but it is not too complex for those who use it. The CreActive ovens, for example, offer the possibility of using the preinstalled recipes which, however, can be modified by the user with regard to parameters such as cooking time or weight. Another very useful feature is the one that allows to make a check of the functionalities of the product. In case there is a problem, a defectiveness code is identified and the user can communicate it to the technical support, thus reducing the assistance times, because the technician arrives to the customer’s house already knowing what the situation is. In addition, the most advanced version of CreActive will have controls regarding single food typologies, such as chicken, in order to make cooking easier and more precise: the product becomes more and more complex inside, but increasingly easy to use.

Do you organize events in Italy and abroad for customers, architects and designers to showcase your home appliances?

We realized that this is absolutely one of the most rewarding activities, because it allows us to have a one-to-one contact with those who may be interested in our products and enables us to make tangible what is really possible to do with them. For about a year we have been collaborating with the PalatiFini chefs association and together we have organized cooking show to display our appliances while working.

Thanks to the Special Pizza function at 350 ° C, the FCPO 6213 P TM X pyrolytic oven allows to obtain excellent results in a short time. The appliance integrates the CreActive operating system and allows the automatic cooking with pre-selected cookbook, that can also be modified. Other plusses are the cavity with nickel-free enamel and the glass tray Four induction zones are combined with a 4 kW Wok burner. The touch slider control manages induction cooking with precision, while the steel knob allows to adjust the two crowns of the burner separately. The product is equipped with a power limiter and can be combined with the 4 induction disc kit for pans that are not specific for induction Eleven functions allow the FBC 4500 TC X blast chiller to manage temperatures from +75 to -30 ° C. In addition the temperature abatement, the product can also freeze, sanitize food to be eaten raw in order to avoid the creation of bacteria, defrost, heat, cook slowly, leaven, etc… It belongs to the Professional series this multifunction cooker equipped with 6 burners with adjustable dual commands. The hob surface is matte black porcelain enamel and grids are in cast iron. In addition, the multifunction oven features a double ventilation, is pyrolytic and integrates the Booster function. The safety is guaranteed by the cold door and the soft closing system.




