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Beko公布了将在2018年Eurocucina上发布的新闻。该品牌的绝对主角将是HomeChef系列,这是一个以黑色水晶饰面、精致设计和非常先进的技术为特色的厨房用具系列。该系列包括创新的烤箱、感应炉、燃气灶和冰箱,配备了进化的功能,如HomeChef collection的新BVRS 35500 XMS。This model allows to cook two different dishes at the same time, at different temperatures and modes, thanks to the innovative Split&Cook technology. The inside of this big oven reaches a total of 80 liters and can be separated with a special accessory and transformed into two different cavities. Thanks to the two fans it is possible to use the two cavities simultaneously, without mixing flavors and smells. Using the maximum 80-liter cavity, instead, it is possible to bake up to 5 trays. Great functionality and a sophisticated look is ensured also by the other products of the Beko Chef Collection, that are created to offer a wide range the opportunities in the kitchen.




