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Glem Gas,60年的顶级

Glem Gas公司,棉花专家(烹饪专家)庆祝成立60周年,与我们一起铭记其历史上最重要的阶段。

Forza,一款专为北美而生的Glem Gas车型,其特点是设计和性能内涵丰富 Glem Gas 60周年纪念日在摩德纳恩佐法拉利博物馆的著名环境中庆祝。选择这一地点并非偶然,而是为了强调Glem Gas公司对埃米利亚地区的归属,正如该公司总裁加布里埃尔·盖尔佐尼(Gabriele Guerzoni)提醒的那样。超过200人参加了此次活动,其中包括澳大利亚、法国和葡萄牙关联公司的员工和代表。

热情和经验仍然是烹饪领域的大玩家Glem Gas的主要优势,该意大利品牌目前在60个国家销售。正如营销总监马可·盖尔佐尼(Marco Guerzoni)在本次采访中告诉我们的那样,由于精湛的技能和热情,公司经历了困难时刻,实现了重要目标。

Marco Guerzoni,Glem Gas的营销总监

在你们的历史上,你们一直忠实于烹饪用具制造的专业化。您是否因选择保留这一核心业务而获得了回报? 作为一家公司和一个品牌,我们始终相信,专注是制胜要素。在我们60年的经验中,我们发现了这一点:我相信,而且我认为,这将继续是未来的一个成功选择,特别是考虑到我们周围发生的事情,我指的是在各个层面上,在多功能品牌之间的持续聚集和集中。

想想你六十年的工作经历,随着时间的推移,你达到的主要技术目标是什么? 多年来,该产品经过了彻底的修改、更新和发展。经历了更多变化的产品领域是材料、转化过程和热管理系统。简言之,我们今天为客户提供的主要好处是创建了更加注重饰面细节、更加安全、烹饪性能更加稳定、空间使用面最大化、人体工程学优化、款式越来越漂亮、价格越来越便宜的模型。







我们一直提供不同的解决方案来满足客户的每一个需求。无论是在尺寸、烹饪类型、美学和范围方面……“La buona cucina italiana(意大利烹饪)”都是完美的综合,也是我们下一次宣传活动的主题,我们希望我们的产品如何被感知,以及我们的产品在这个意义上一直是如何演变的。

您最引以为傲的是历史产品还是近期产品? 60年代的印度河炊具,让我们熟知的型号;80年代的海军上将,第一个半职业风格的模特;2015年的Magnica,120厘米宽,带有单腔烤箱,在风格和功能上具有开创性。2019年的Forza,一款专为北美而生的车型,具有强大的设计和性能内涵。超级炊具!

Admiral于80年代推出,是Glem Gas公司第一款半专业风格的车型

你还记得活动中特别关键的时刻吗? 我们可以说,由于我们的技能和一点运气,危机的因素总是由公司外部因素决定的。在60年的生命中,市场的周期性、地缘政治和经济危机的影响必然影响并有时破坏了我们的经济/金融结果。仅举几个例子,我们可以提到1990年的第一次海湾战争,2008年的全球房地产/次贷危机。在炉边,我想说,即使是70年代,也为我们保留了一些令人讨厌的惊喜。

你是如何克服这些时刻的? 通过继续投资于我们、我们的品牌、我们的流程和我们的组织。通过继续相信并调整我们的战略,保持对向市场提出报价的必要性的信念,该报价必须始终是可持续的,最重要的是坚信我们,而不是难以捉摸的市场,必须创造我们的未来.

您的产品也非常注重设计,正如ADI授予您的荣誉。美学在烹饪用具中扮演什么角色? 我们谈论的是厨房中的主角,在我看来,厨房是家庭和任何家庭生活的中心,无论大小。对于Glem Gas,产品设计由用户服务,反之亦然。我们对什么是美而不是功能感兴趣。如上所述,用户的日常体验是实现最大化的要素对我们来说。 不久前在澳大利亚获得的“优秀设计奖”(Good Design Award)仅将此作为主要原因。

How is the design of your appliances developed? Inspirations come daily, the external contamination has a triggering role. We certainly take cue from the most advanced or pioneering sectors and the collaboration with our designers, Mauro Carlesi today, Marcello Cutino in a recent past, helps us a lot in this regard. Moreover, we never neglect our taste given by an experience of 60 years and sometimes we can push ourselves even in the provocation. Our mono-fire Origine is an example.

The Origine mono-fire

Yours is a story of Italian entrepreneurship, which has been able to keep up with the times, updating the production sites gradually. What are the strengths of your plants?

As said, investing is and will always be the key: product, production and resources must evolve in the right balance and synchrony. The challenge will continue to be to update our processes not only the productive ones, always investing new resources, both material and above all human.

What are your flagship products today? Would you like to describe the most requested ones in Italy and abroad? Our reference models are certainly the FS 90cm wide cookers, with a semi-professional look, of which we can mention Matrix and Unica. Built-in is a segment that is giving us excellent satisfactions. There is no predominant aesthetic line, as there is so much choice in a product that typically follows the furnishing trends. In my personal taste, I find our Excellence line simple in its originality. I can also anticipate that in 2020 we will see several news coming both in the free-standing and in built-in segments. We have carried out the revision of every single part of our models with great commitment to make them better than the previous ones.

In how many countries are they distributed? In 60 countries, a recurring number …

Through which distribution channels (furnishings, home appliances stores…)? The distribution method reflects a run-in model. We go directly to both channel in Italy, France, Australia and Portugal, where our commercial branches are present, while the rest of the world is covered through importers/distributors, nothing but the classic 2-step distribution. Worldwide, the specialized channel is by size the most significant and consequently our distribution also follows this proportion. We also boast a considerable presence in the furniture maker channel, especially in Italy due to its importance and strategic role, especially in the Built-in segment. We do not want to exclude any possibility and obviously we are closely monitoring the on-line world, certainly a challenge for ours distribution partners and in general a change in the mode of sale for all.

What are the most critical issues you have found in the relationship with the distribution and in which areas, instead, have you managed to create the greatest synergies? For years now, the specialized distribution has been heavily concentrated, especially in the more evolved markets. In this sector the high volumes logic, aimed to research or maintain certain turnovers, have found a double-edged sword in the tool of unbridled sales promotion that often has created strong distortions and loss of value throughout the channel. Our approach has been and will be that to create lasting relationships based on dedicated and sustainable trade policies over time. We do not believe, in fact, that selling for the unique purpose of the sale itself can be beneficial for anyone, but value is necessary. Unfortunately, there are still those who see a positive advantage in volume sales in the short term. For us, the opposite is true.

What does “Made-in-Italy” mean today and how can we defend and promote an Italian product? The origin itself has never been very useful, we live in a land of culture, of passion for doing, for excelling and we must not forget this first of all. This spirit, this historical heritage to carry things forward, should be cultivated every day. How? Through the research of perfection, in acting to the best of one’s ability, in continuing to evolve because the next model will surely be the best ever. This is the key element of Made-in-Italy, that will be able to defend and continue to promote our products. This is the strong interpretation that we carry on in Glem Gas.

What characteristics must an appliance with this brand have? Our brand promise, that drives every development and thought, is that each model offers the best experience of use in our interpretation of Italian style, the Glem Gas style. So the model must first respond to this promise without compromise.

Glem Gas operates according to an ethic code. Would you like to talk about it, illustrating activities and initiatives through which your company is engaged in areas such as social responsibility and environmental sustainability?

In ethical and moral terms I can say that we have always approached our own interlocutors confident of our convictions and possibilities but also well aware of our limits. To no level shortcuts have ever been facilitated nor unfair behavior towards our stakeholders. I think the longevity of our relationships derives mostly from this modus operandi.

In terms of social responsibility we are mainly active with associations linked to the territory who do their utmost to support those who, for various reasons, live in difficulty. I don’t mention names in particular, I don’t want to speculate about it or make me boast of a small contribution that, being a company deeply rooted and linked to the territory, we feel obliged to do.

The environmental sustainability area is a priority for us, I stress that our appliances require specific disposal but also allow to be completely recycled.

This area goes in the right direction to reach a “circular” economy as soon as possible, which makes of the used product a resource and not just a waste. In the area of processes our production plant at San Cesario (MO) has been already equipped for several years with a photovoltaic plant able, with a power of 1 MW, of producing and supplying 50% of our energy needs. A small important step in the right direction.

Other initiatives are currently being evaluated and implemented in our headquarters, from the differentiated collection to the elimination of plastic in our company canteen, others will follow.

One last question about the future of your sector: what role will gas and induction cooking have in the coming years? Do you believes that they will continue to live together or one of them will take the over?

The induction, thanks to the remarkable growth of the last few years, is now an established segment that will continue to take shares above all in the most mature and advanced markets, Europe especially. In my opinion it will completely replace first the vitroceramic hobs and will probably steal an important share to the gas Built-in hobs. But I am not convinced that it will completely take the over. The reason is given by yhe fact that, although the price of models will continue to decline for the obvious economies of scale generated by the higher sales volumes, the induction needs installed power (Kw) to work at the best and this is not always available and/or available at the same cost. Another aspect is that, cooking with induction is not as practical as with gas in my opinion. There will be those who love it but we will continue to have so many gas fans. I am the first.

That said, the Glem Gas range has been adapted to this need for some years and will continue to do so because, as Specialisti in cottura, we surely don’t want to stay out of the game and indeed we believe that a “hybrid” logic between the two technologies can be the best for our users. Magnifica, presented in 2015, is a120 cm wide cooker with a single cavity oven. It stands out for its carefully styled details and the use of the finest materials. Moreover it combines a multifunction gas oven with double turbo fan and 140 lt of capacity. Available in three different colors, it is a very efficient model: 20 kW of total power from 6 burners, including 3 high-efficiency dual-ring burners. The new generation burners guarantee high performance while reducing consumption and CO2 emissions. A true Italian history

Glem Gas was founded in 1959 at Modena (Italy) by 3 old friends who had the intuition to start producing small gas operated heaters and chimneys. After some time, they decided to enlarge the range and created their first free-standing Glem Gas cooker. Many important steps have been done since then…

1965 Launch of the new high range Glem Gas models made the brand a successful player in the domestic market

1975 Launch of the new maxi oven cookers brings Glem Gas to conquer a strong position in the Middle East

1985 “Admiral” model introduces on the market a new cooker style: the semi-professional

1989 Glem Gas enlarges its presence worldwide and develop a new plant near Modena

1990 High industrial product development (new mechanical department)

2000 New opening of branches in France, Portugal and Australia

2002 Glem Gas is the first company to introduce multifunction gas oven with fan

2006 Lean production concepts introduced in the manufactuing process

2008 New line for assemblying and welding of built-in ovens. Acquisition of a new welding plant

2009 Glem Gas becomes market leader in Italy for free-standing cookers under the Glem Brand

2011 Glem Gas is awarded with the Honorable Mention by the Compasso d’Oro Design Association for design and quality excellence

2013 Glem Gas products are distributed in over 50 countries worldwide




